Daily Aquarius

Daily horoscope Aquarius today:: Saturday, 21 December 2024

Daily horoscope Aquarius

21 january - 19 february


Today's all about connection—up close and personal. However, you could be set to go deep, only to discover everyone and their brother vies for your attention. Your heart craves privacy, but it might seem like the world has different plans. Handle any friendly or social distractions with your unique flair, then make time and space for someone who matters most.


Venus in your sign links with ginormous Jupiter to cook up a potent cocktail of confidence and sex appeal, so guzzle it down! There's no need for excuses or overthinking; today's about indulgence, satisfaction, and accepting the power of your magnetic pull. Don't waste a second explaining yourself—go after what feels good and let the rest fall into place.

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Horoscope Aquarius today

Your personal zodiac sign Aquarius can give you a lot of information every day. They make you aware of the world around you. Read your horoscope today.

About Your Future..

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Aquarius Characteristics

Zodiac Date: January 21 - February 19
Latin Name: Aquarius
English Translation: The Water Bearer
Symbol: ♒ 
Ruler Planet: Uranus
Element: Air. It is included in the fixed signs

Characteristics and Personality
The 11th sign of the zodiac is Aquarius. People from this sign are unique, hopeful, insubordinate, autonomous, creators, liberal and fair.

They are expository, serving and socially mindful individuals. They do good in artistic and managament jobs. They adore taking a shot at huge tasks and actualize new things.

As a lover they are friendly and devoted. 

Negative Traits
They are unfaithful, cold, scattered and emotionally unavailable. 

Compatible Signs
Gemini and Libra