Daily Horoscope Libra
24 september - 23 october
Relationships aren't a speed run, but are you ready to sign contracts or pick out the wedding china before the first date is over? Slow down, Libra. Today is all about letting things breathe. Whether it's love, business or a promising situationship, play the long game. Give them just enough to keep them wanting more. Don't treat any potential flame like they're your soulmate. Let them work for it.
Relationships aren't a speed run, but are you ready to sign contracts or pick out the wedding china before the first date is over? Slow down, Libra. Today is all about letting things breathe. Whether it's love, business or a promising situationship, play the long game. Give them just enough to keep them wanting more. Don't treat any potential flame like they're your soulmate. Let them work for it.
Even if you're normally a traditionalist, the Moon and Uranus push you to crave something unexpected. Stepping willingly outside your comfort zone could lead to a night you won't forget in a hurry. So, go ahead, be bold. Push some romantic and intimate boundaries. You might shock your lover or partner and make them worship you even more.
Horoscope Libra today
Have you read your horoscope today? You can often recognize yourself in the personality traits of your constellation. You can read more about this below.About Your Future..
Want to know more about your future?Libra Characteristics
Zodiac Date: September 24 - October 23
Latin Name: Libra
English Translation: The Scales
Symbol: ♎
Ruler Planet: Venus
Element" Air. It is included in the cardinal signs.
Characteristics and Personality
The 7th sign of the zodiac is Libra. People from this sign are amicable, enlightened, scholarly, modern, tempting, exquisite, imaginative, clever, adjusted, amiable and individuals who keep up their norm.
They are to a great degree scholarly and require occupations that are rationally animating and don't take after a schedule. They require an adjusted activity that is requested and testing. They are magnificent organizers and investigate each part of the activity before finishing it. They exceed expectations in the field of inventiveness and expressions.
In love libra are flirt and true romantics, loyal, good listners and devoted.
Negative Traits
They are angry, overindulgent, resentful, hesitant and guileless.
Compatible Signs
Gemini and Aquarius.