Find the best psychics from Brighton here!

Psychics in Brighton (South East England)

Looking for psychic and mediums in Brighton? Let us help you now. Brighton possesses a population of approximately 275000 inhabitants. The tarot readers we found in Brighton area are Paul Hughes-Barlow, Nina Anne and Laetitia Bevis.


The best alternative to waiting for a psychic in Brighton (SEE)

Alternative to making an appointment with a local psychic would be doing a chat-consult with an online psychic. The advantage is that you wouldn’t have to wait can get your answers instantly.

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Start your Free Tial Chat [3:30 minutes].
No hidden fees.


Reviews from Brighton

Andrea was amazing, kind and clear with my questions

Christian from Brighton - 23 February 2025

Absolutely amazing 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟

Sarah from Brighton - 22 February 2025

Fantastic as always! Accurate as always!

Linah from Brighton - 21 February 2025

Amazing and very helpful, wished I could have had longer for more clarity, will be back soon for more insights hopefully, definitely recommend, very on point, regarding my question, comes across as very caring on how Charisse relays messages, thank you 🙏

Karen from Brighton - 20 February 2025


Selection of the best psychics in Brighton


Why contacting an online psychic

There are a number of advantages of chatting and online reading instead of visiting a medium. These are the main benefits:
  • Choice of multiple mediums/psychics with different gifts,
  • Completely free to start a trial chat on Mediumchat,
  • Receive a free chat report after your reading,
  • There are various tarot readers available 24 hours a day,
  • Start your chat conversation immediately.
If you feel restless, rushed or worried, start a chat with one of our Astrologers, Mediums or Psychics. Experience how nice it is when someone really listens to you.

Get Started
Start your Free Tial Chat [3:30 minutes].
No hidden fees.


Can I have a reading with a psychic in Brighton?

Having psychic abilities, how does this feel or work? Can’t it be that it’s kind of like a religion where people have never seen Mohammed, Buddha or Petrus? A multitude of people claims to have psychic abilities. These manifest in various ways like advanced scent or vision. Some psychics/ mediums claim they can communicate with guides and or angels.

Why would many people like a psychic reading near their residence in Brighton or relatively near in Hove, Worthing or Portslade? Having a face-to-face reading is a wonderful experience. However, it often takes a while before you get an appointment with a reader nearby. In addition, it takes time to travel. What of you could contact a psychic or clairvoyant right from the comfort of your own home? To make it even better, how would it be if you could try for free during a trial-chat?