Claire image Offline

Accurate and compassionate Tarot & Pendulum Reader

Claire image Offline

Accurate and compassionate Tarot & Pendulum Reader

Languages / Country:
English speaking psychic
Languages / Country:
English speaking psychic






Fast at connecting and able to provide clarity on the subject. J
17 Sep 2024
Claire gave a phenomenal reading. Highly intuitive, she is a remarkable psychic. With little information from me, Claire was able I access the feelings and emotions of the person I asked about. I appreciate her insight. Thank You. Allen
14 Sep 2024
Thank you so much Claire ♥️ you are amazing ❤️ Sorry my credits ended ♥️ Maria
14 Sep 2024
Hi Claire I jsut want to say your amazing and I spoke to him like you said and he’s come back thank you so much xxxx Becki
13 Sep 2024
It helped me confirm what I was feeling was happening was right. One thing it did help with was to understand what the messages are he is giving me, because although he’s saying he doesn’t love me I did feel that he had missed me and Claire confirmed that. She also confirmed that for right now I need to accept the friendship take it steady and allow thing to progress naturally Vicky
11 Sep 2024
A well balanced & intuitive reading. Thank you. Pete
10 Sep 2024

About Claire

Gifts and methods

  • Healer
  • Healer
  • Reader
  • Reader
  • Tarot cards
  • Tarot cards
  • Lightworker
  • Lightworker


  • Empathetic and insightful
  • I type quickly
  • Provide practical help
What can I do for you?

What can I do for you?

Do you have questions about your love life, relationship or career? If so, I can help you to find guidance and clarity in a non-judgemental, compassionate way. I use the tarot cards and pendulum as a base, but also can give you answers from my spirit guide who will help guide me give you the answers that you need.

My method

My method

You can really ask me anything, I will not judge and will help you to find the clarity and understanding that you are needing. I will connect with your energy to draw cards, ask questions to the pendulum and seek advice from my spirit guide.

About me

About me

I am a Tarot reader, have spirit guides and am a natural empath. I am an expert in the twin flame connection and specialise in love and relationships as well as giving general readings. As a young adult I realised that I had a gift where I was incredibly intuitive and had empathy for others. Understanding what this gift was took me some time, but with guidance from others, I channelled this gift by learning how to read Tarot cards and the pendulum and connecting to my spirit guides to help others gain the insight that they were looking for. For many years now, I have been reading the Tarot and answering questions with my pendulum to help others gain answers to questions. I love being able to do this and often get told that I have a way with words and help people with their understanding of situations that they have going on in their own lives, while being compassionate and non-judgemental.

Reviews from our customers

Reviews from our customers

36,003 reviews

Rated 5 start based on 36,003 reviews

Fast at connecting and able to provide clarity on the subject. J
17 Sep 2024
Claire gave a phenomenal reading. Highly intuitive, she is a remarkable psychic. With little information from me, Claire was able I access the feelings and emotions of the person I asked about. I appreciate her insight. Thank You. Allen
14 Sep 2024
Thank you so much Claire ♥️ you are amazing ❤️ Sorry my credits ended ♥️ Maria
14 Sep 2024
Hi Claire I jsut want to say your amazing and I spoke to him like you said and he’s come back thank you so much xxxx Becki
13 Sep 2024
It helped me confirm what I was feeling was happening was right. One thing it did help with was to understand what the messages are he is giving me, because although he’s saying he doesn’t love me I did feel that he had missed me and Claire confirmed that. She also confirmed that for right now I need to accept the friendship take it steady and allow thing to progress naturally Vicky
11 Sep 2024
A well balanced & intuitive reading. Thank you. Pete
10 Sep 2024

Frequently Asked Questions

Claire image Offline

Accurate and compassionate Tarot & Pendulum Reader

Claire image Offline

Accurate and compassionate Tarot & Pendulum Reader

Languages / Country:
English speaking psychic
Languages / Country:
English speaking psychic




