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Holly Hawaii

Holly image Offline

Holly Hawaii

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I always pay for readings but this is The best reading I've had! She is fast to reply and is very spot on. I couldn't believe she knew things that no1 could ever know! I will definitely be back 🥰 nathaniellenathan
17 Sep 2024
Holly is amazing, I only spent a short time talking with her but I felt like I got what I needed during our short conversation. She picked up on something that no one ever could have the minute she channeled in, I highly recommend. Thank you Holly x Elle
16 Sep 2024
Holly was amazing and gave incredibly accurate guidance. So patient and so compassionate. I could talk to her for hours! She truly has a gift!! Kristine
13 Sep 2024
Incredible... Really detailed and just knows exactly what is going on. So empathetic and not much info needs to be given. So grateful for your support and advice. Honestly hope more people come to you ❤️ you're wonderful Binisha
03 Sep 2024

About Holly

Gifts and methods

  • Clairvoyant
  • Clairvoyant
  • Healer
  • Healer
  • Tarot cards
  • Tarot cards
  • Photo reading
  • Photo reading
  • Psychic
  • Psychic


  • Empathetic and insightful
  • Detailed
  • Straightforward and practical
What can I do for you?

What can I do for you?

I truly believe our paths were meant to meet. Please allow me the privilege of using my gifts to ease your hurting heart. I will work with you to guide you through the most difficult storms. Hopefully, together we can lead you to the path you were meant to take.

My method

My method

You can really ask me anything, no question is too crazy for me. For the energy and answers to flow, I prefer to work with a photo and a photo of someone who is involved in the question

About me

About me

Warmest Aloha! I'm from the island of Oahu, Hawaii. I'm an intuitive /empath since I was 7 years old. I've learned to read cartomancy from my Grandmother, Mother, and several highly gifted Hawaiian shamans.

Reviews from our customers

Reviews from our customers

36,003 reviews

Rated 5 start based on 36,003 reviews

I always pay for readings but this is The best reading I've had! She is fast to reply and is very spot on. I couldn't believe she knew things that no1 could ever know! I will definitely be back 🥰 nathaniellenathan
17 Sep 2024
Holly is amazing, I only spent a short time talking with her but I felt like I got what I needed during our short conversation. She picked up on something that no one ever could have the minute she channeled in, I highly recommend. Thank you Holly x Elle
16 Sep 2024
Holly was amazing and gave incredibly accurate guidance. So patient and so compassionate. I could talk to her for hours! She truly has a gift!! Kristine
13 Sep 2024
Incredible... Really detailed and just knows exactly what is going on. So empathetic and not much info needs to be given. So grateful for your support and advice. Honestly hope more people come to you ❤️ you're wonderful Binisha
03 Sep 2024

Frequently Asked Questions

Holly image Offline

Holly Hawaii

Holly image Offline

Holly Hawaii

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