Pamela image Offline

Tarot Reader, Empath & Master Manifestor

Pamela image Offline

Tarot Reader, Empath & Master Manifestor

Languages / Country:
English speaking psychic
Languages / Country:
English speaking psychic






She is very sweet!
13 Sep 2024
I’m an intuitive tarot reader but honestly I can’t do readings for myself because my emotions get in the way, so i came here hoping to find someone who could tap into my energy for me. Pamela has amazing energy, if you feel drawn to her trust that feeling! and she’s a quick typer. i’m not even trying to sound like an advertiser but i genuinely believe if you purchase credits and get a consultation with Pamela you will be getting your moneys worth. She also gives clear and concise responses :) lovely
13 Sep 2024
Pamela gave a phenomenal reading. Highly intuitive, she is able to access the feelings and emotions of another person. Pamela is a remarkable psychic. I appreciate her insight. Thank You. Allen
12 Sep 2024
I just absolutely love her. She's just great... Angela
07 Sep 2024

About Pamela

Gifts and methods

  • Tarot cards
  • Tarot cards
  • Love coach
  • Love coach
  • Angel cards
  • Angel cards


  • Empathetic and insightful
  • I type quickly
  • Many insights
What can I do for you?

What can I do for you?

I specialize in love life, relationships, divorce, reconciliation and twin flame energies! I also can tap into money opportunities and career questions. You can expect my integrity and honesty, and I will tell you what you need to hear from spirit to best guide you! I do not answer health or pregnancy related questions however unless the message comes to me on its own. I am an empath and I can feel the emotions of someone I tap into. This makes it easier for me if you provide me a photo of yourself! Intuitive messages will flow through me but I use tarot cards, oracle cards and dowsing rods to be able to organize my feelings and thoughts to deliver detailed and accurate readings for you! Together we will find clarity and/or healing for you to help you re-align to your life path. My intentions are to be more than just your spiritual advisor but also a friend who you can confide in and seek for comfort and honesty from!

My method

My method

You can ask me anything but I try to stay away from health and pregnancy related questions! I specialize in love, relationships, twin flames, divorce and reconciliation! A photo of you will help me resonate with you and connect with your energies empathically but my tarot cards, oracle cards and dowsing rods are my tools of preference in order to deliver detailed messages and accurate reads. To ensure a quick reply I answer as quickly as I can type and I tend to believe I am a very fast typer! So I look forward to speaking with you and helping you through whatever circumstances you guidance on!

About me

About me

Thanks for choosing me as your spiritual advisor! I have been spiritually inclined since childhood and have been working professionally as a tarot reader for 8+ years! Throughout these years I have successfully offered my clients accuracy, emotional support and tips on how to manifest a desired outcome. My desire in the duration of my time here in this world is to help bring clarity and healing to souls who cross paths with me. Send me a chat, Iā€™m excited to get to know you!

Reviews from our customers

Reviews from our customers

36,003 reviews

Rated 5 start based on 36,003 reviews

She is very sweet!
13 Sep 2024
I’m an intuitive tarot reader but honestly I can’t do readings for myself because my emotions get in the way, so i came here hoping to find someone who could tap into my energy for me. Pamela has amazing energy, if you feel drawn to her trust that feeling! and she’s a quick typer. i’m not even trying to sound like an advertiser but i genuinely believe if you purchase credits and get a consultation with Pamela you will be getting your moneys worth. She also gives clear and concise responses :) lovely
13 Sep 2024
Pamela gave a phenomenal reading. Highly intuitive, she is able to access the feelings and emotions of another person. Pamela is a remarkable psychic. I appreciate her insight. Thank You. Allen
12 Sep 2024
I just absolutely love her. She's just great... Angela
07 Sep 2024

Frequently Asked Questions

Pamela image Offline

Tarot Reader, Empath & Master Manifestor

Pamela image Offline

Tarot Reader, Empath & Master Manifestor

Languages / Country:
English speaking psychic
Languages / Country:
English speaking psychic




